Random world epiphany

May 21, 2010

I want to be a Mormon

May 21, 2010
Before I start getting calls from missionaries, let me explain.No, I am NOT a Mormon. Yes, I do watch Big Love. And no, I don't like the whole crazy Mormon polygamist...

We ask for prayers

May 20, 2010
The other day a girlfriend was admiring a miniature shrineto the Virgin Mary that hangs near my front door."If you want results," she said, "pray to Mary. She gets...

Downsizing, upsizing

May 19, 2010

Should you want to cross the line Which way did you want to...

May 19, 2010
Counting down to the Broken Bells concert in San Francisco Friday night. A girlfriend and I are taking the train up to do a little shopping and see one of the first...

It’s only mannerly

May 19, 2010
I'm not sure when good manners became as anachronistic, as, say, picking up a woman's dropped handkerchief.But clearly, manners have a minimal place in our current...

Missing piece

May 18, 2010
Everyone has someone who completes them.I hope you're lucky enough to have found...

National Masturbation Month

May 17, 2010
It's Monday. Let me rock your day.May is National Masturbation Month.Yes. It is.I should start by saying that I have nothing against masturbation. I agree with the...

Be not afraid

May 16, 2010
One of my dear friends lost a sibling this past week and, as someone who could be called "elderly" chronologically but not physically, mentally or in spirit, confronted...

Could you ask a soldier to die for a lie?

May 15, 2010
I have an ongoing discussion with a friend who thinks I should give equal time to the opposing viewpoint when I blog my political rants and opinions.The FCC requires...

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