No suhstitute for a trainer who knows his client

August 12, 2010

Yes, this would motivate someone to work out. But my trainer knows what works best with me.

Today, part of my circuit training involved standing with feet apart, raising a heavy sand ball above my head then squatting and as I came down, slamming the ball hard into the grass.

I wasn’t slamming hard enough, so my trainer suggested I think of a way to motivate myself to throw harder.


Here’s how it went:

“One…Bill O’Reilly! Two…Glenn Beck! Three…Sean Hannity! Four….Karl Rove! Five…Rush Limbaugh…”

And so on.

That ball got slammed really, really hard.

So hard I had to stand in a hot shower when I got home.

Genius, I tell you. Genius.

One comment on “No suhstitute for a trainer who knows his client
  1. Ok…This made me laugh soooooo hard! I read it to my girlfriend and then we were both laughing! God love FOX…NOT!!!

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