Soft light hold me

April 21, 2013
Acqui Terme / Italy Chant Hold me hard light Soft light hold me Moonlight in your mountains fold me Hold me hard light, soft light hold me ~Leonard...

Safe in the arms of love.

February 9, 2013
Oh, those Sufis!  So wise. Love is indeed a many-splendored thing. The light that warms us. And fills us up. Unselfish. Unlike any other human emotion, I...

Defining beauty

January 11, 2013
Emerson wrote that in 1860, but it has special meaning today, since beauty has become a medically-commercial commodity that he could have never anticipated. It's...

RIP poem

October 3, 2012
Poem upon friend's death Poem by Langston Hughes I loved my friend. He went away from me. There's nothing more to say. The poem ends Soft as it began- I loved my...

Pull my daisy

May 31, 2012
Pull My Daisy by Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac & Neal Cassady (each one wrote a line sequentially, seeing only the line before) Pull my daisytip my cupall my...

Drink the wild air

February 21, 2012
Ralph Waldo EmersonEmbracing the totality of life is what it's all about.There's plenty of darkness around usbut it's warmer in the sunshineand living there makes for...

The wooden spoon

November 26, 2011
Show any Sicilian-American kid this picture and s/he will get it, immediately. Here's the scenario: Sicilian-American Mom: Don't do that. Kid: (does it anyway) Mom:...

Be done with it

June 4, 2011
When I was young, I was self-conscious about everything that happened.Each action seemed so earth-shakingly important, so life-changing.With the perspective of age, I...

Easter, hope, resurrection and poetry

April 21, 2011
That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and the comfort of the ResurrectionCLOUD-PUFFBALL, torn tufts, tossed pillows ' flaunt forth, then chevy on an air-built thoroughfare:...

Spring, beautiful spring!

April 14, 2011
Outside on this beautiful, poetic spring day. Oh, nothing is so beautiful as Spring --When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush,Thrush's eggs look little...

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