What’s the price?

March 19, 2016


Boy, is this true.

5 comments on “What’s the price?
  1. Carolann says:

    Wow, is sure is! I love Thoreau his piece titled self reliance was an eye opener for me when I was a teen. Have you ever read that? I still love and read it over and over. Love his work!

  2. Donna says:

    I gave up so much of my life being afraid.
    I am so happy that is behind me

  3. Anna Palmer says:

    My mother is a political theorist and her second book was on Thoreau. I grew up 5 miles from Walden Pond and found the transformation of his wild and private space into suburbs symbolic of so much. Thank you for bringing me back there.

  4. And who is paying it…you or someone else in your life?

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