German Christmas markets await!

December 4, 2014

Doesn’t this look festive and fun?

You know those catalogs for Viking River Cruises that appear in our mailboxes every so often?  Yeah, those.

Mostly I recycle them, but every so often I like to page through just to see what’s on offer. Quite a few interesting cruise options within, but the most interesting to me was the winter cruise that takes passengers to the German Christmas markets along the Danube River.  They’ve always sounded charming and different.

We’re on our way to that cruise this very day. On a plane to Germany and then connecting on to Budapest.  Because this Christmas season, we want to see Christmas markets in other countries.

European Christmas markets date back to the late Middle Ages and in Germany and Austria (our destinations) they usher in Advent. From the photo above, you can see what a big deal these can be.  We’ll see the usual Christmas stuff on festive display– a creche, carved nutcrackers, hand-made crafts and ornaments.  It’ll be cold, so we plan to bundle up so we can fully enjoy the sights and sounds of a German Christmas celebration. I even bought a faux fur winter hat to warm my head and ears. It matches my faux fur coat perfectly. You know, the one I bought 10 years ago but wore only once? That one.

But here’s something fun…


To stave off the winter cold visitors can enjoy hot mulled wine called Glühwein, served with or without a shot of brandy.   It means “glow wine” and it sounds delicious. Here’s how it’s made:

  • 1 bottle of dry red wine
  • a lemon
  • 3 Tablespoons of sugar
  • 3 cloves
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • Cardamom to taste just a bit, or ginger

Heat the red wine in a pot but do not bring to a boil.  Slice the lemon and add to the pot, followed by the rest of the ingredients. Heat the mixture for about 5 minutes but be careful not to boil it. Then, let it sit for an hour.  Reheat it before serving and strain it before pouring into warmed glasses or mugs.  Doesn’t that sound like the perfect winter drink?

I’ve seen a few recipes for non-alcoholic Glühwein

Here’s one:

  • 1 quart of fruit tea
  •  2 cloves
  • 2 sticks of cinnamon
  • a quart and a half of grape juice
  • 2 Tablespoons of lemon juice
  • Taste before adding sugar or honey, as it may be sweet enough with the grape juice

Make the tea, then add all ingredients to a sauce pan.  Heat, but do not bring to a boil.

If that’s not to your taste, there’s also a traditional egg-based drink called Eierpunsch that’s served warm.  It’s kind of like an eggnog with lots of wine and hot tea. I’m anxious to try it.

And of course holiday pastries.

German Christmas markets

Look closely: she is bundled up!

I’m hoping for a little snow, not so much that it would make getting around a hassle. Just enough to be festive.

Neither of us has been to Budapest, where our cruise starts, so we’re going in a couple days early to see the sights in Buda and Pest.  They’re supposed to be beautiful and romantic.

And we’re making a stop in Vienna, one of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever seen. And the place where I once walked so many miles in bad shoes I got plantar’s fascitis.

M is a fan of cruises, because there’s no packing and unpacking every few days. After our recent trip to Sicily, during which I had to pack and unpack repeatedly while not feeling well, I’m looking forward to taking our hotel room with us.  I’ve actually traveled in Germany and Austria before and in more depth, so I won’t feel that I’m missing a longer stay anywhere. For me, this trip is all about the markets.

If there’s time, I’ll blog about the trip; otherwise? I’ll catch you up on sights and sounds afterward.  In any case, I’ve already got posts schedule for the time we’re gone and will be checking in with you as time and internet permit.

Meanwhile, to mark the start of the December holiday season, I’ve got a question: what is your most unusual holiday celebration?  Did you go someplace different? Or do something unusual?  Or if you’ve taken this cruise, what can I expect?

I hope you’ll share in the Comments below so everyone can enjoy it.

24 comments on “German Christmas markets await!
  1. If I were you, I’d skip the warm clothes and instead take plenty of paper bags to hyperventilate in when you see all the fantastic shopping you’ll encounter. Have a wonderful trip and remember, sit on your carry -on each day to pack the stuff down.

  2. Pam says:

    Expect it to be wonderful. We had tons of snow but it was never hard to get around, they have that covered in Germany. Enjoy Budapest, it’s a wonderful city. Can’t wait to see your pix and hear all about it.

  3. Carolann says:

    Have a great trip…looks like a blast! I look forward to seeing your pics! Safe travels!

  4. Diane says:

    I SO want to go! That particular cruise at this time of year is my dream. I will be with you the whole way. In a non-creepy, just-enjoying-the-sights sort of way. 🙂

  5. This looks like a lot of fun. We have a similar event starting today in Lincoln, England. It was the German event that inspired Lincoln to stage one of their own and they expect 250,000 people to attend over the next 4 days, including many coaches coming over from Germany!! Have fun!

  6. Oh my– that picture is gorgeous!!! You are going to have a marvelous time!! We took a little Christmas cruise with all of our kids/spouses before any grandkids came. Our first truly “grown up” Christmas. It was fun but weather caused some bumps in the itinerary. My best advice: expect changes to the plan and just go with the flow.

  7. D. A. Wolf says:

    I’ve often wondered about those Viking cruises. I must admit, they seem very tempting. (I was in East Germany many moons ago before the fall of the wall as a teen, and West Germany briefly as well, also very young. But I’ve never seen any of it as an adult. I’m quite curious.)

    Your drinks sound delicious! (I love mulled wines and ciders, but I also occasionally go for Russian Grog! Ever tried it? Great when you have a cold.)

  8. Michelle says:

    OMG that sounds so amazing. I think my mother would love it as well. Maybe we can start a new tradition! With booze!

  9. Tammy says:

    It all sounds glorious, Carol! Have the most wonderful time. Viking treated us like royalty. Enjoy the shopping (there WILL be snow!) and in case you were wondering, pink is a good color for me. Buahahaha! Hugs!

  10. Myke Todd says:

    I have a close friend in Austria. We visit daily. Today, we reminisced about his trip to the U.S., about four years ago… I hope you enjoy a fantastic trip, Carol.

  11. How wonderful, enjoy your trip. I look forward to hearing about your adventure when you return.

  12. Oh, I so want to do this trip and will be living vicariously through you! Enjoy and hope you get lots of snow 🙂

  13. Karen says:

    Have a wonderful time, Carol! I’ll look forward to your updates. And don’t get sick! (But you knew that.)

  14. What a grand adventure! Savor it all; the cruise pampering, the food, the sites, smells, and sounds, and even the snow.

  15. Renee says:

    Enjoy your trip! Sounds and looks so beautiful! Ok, as far as the unusual tradition…well I have a lot! However, what immediately comes to mind is the time my husband, sons ages 13/16 and I went to Slim’s (opened by the R&B singer Boz Skaggs) nightclub in San Francisco on Christmas Eve to enjoy a Concert performance by the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir. Initially, my kids thought I’d lost my mind! So, different from our usual Midnight Mass tradition. Well, we all had a blast and were very happy, sometimes not the easiest thing with teenagers! The kids enjoyed eating hamburgers and garlic fry’s, soaking up all the interesting people and the music so wonderfully uplifting! We’ve managed to attend this performance many times since and have several of our friends and their now twenty- something age children join us, too.

  16. What an awesome trip! And I would LOVE to have that mug–so cute!

  17. My God this sounds wonderful. We once had Thanksgiving in Paris- now THAT was fun, and we do a week in a little Mexican village on the Pacific every first week in Dec. But I’ve been to a German Xmas market and it was a fabulous time- the trinkets, the food, the smells. Glorious. ENJOY !

1 Pings/Trackbacks for "German Christmas markets await!"
  1. […] We had to have it. Another fantastic “find” that went down way too easily. M had two and I took sips of his, figuring I was so sleep deprived that any more and I’d be on my ass. Literally. We could see how a few of those would disappear quickly on a cold day without even realizing how much we’d had. So I’m going to try some of the mulled tea soon. HERE IS the wine recipe; […]

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